
Most of our activity is funded by European and National research programmes as well as private companies that trust and invest in our group to investigate problems relating to their own activities
Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

Culture of electroactive purple phototrophic bacteria for the production of bioplastics: a pilot- scale study (ClearPlastic)

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

P.I: Abraham Esteve-Núñez

Duration: 2022-2023

Reference: PDC2022-133974-C21

Funded by the European Union

New system-driven bioremediation of polluted habitats and environment - NYMPHE

Grant agreement: 101060625

Coordinator: Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita di Bologna

Duration: 2023-2026

Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

Transformation of energy intensive process industries through integration of energy, process, and feedstock flexibility – TRINEFLEX


Grant agreement: 101058174

Coordinator: Aimen Technology Center

Duration: 2022-2026


Innovative strategies based on biotechnology and electrochemistry for producing valuable products from brewery wastewater - BEER4ALL

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

Coordinator: Abraham Esteve Núñez

Duration: 2022-2025

Grant CPP2021-008852 funded by:


Nuevas estrategias de producción sostenible de agua regenerada mediante humedales electroactivos modulares: METland (mobiMET)

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

Coordinator: Abraham Esteve Núñez

Duration: 2022-2025

Grant CPP2021-008936 funded by: 

Photo microbial electrochemical fluidized bioreactor (photoME-FBR): a new strategy for treating industrial wastewater and producing high-valuable products – PhotoELECTRA

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez, Karina Boltes

Duration: 2022-2025

Grant PID2021-128700OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 / FEDER, UE

Sustainable bioconversion of CO 2 using Microbial Electrochemical Tools based on fluid-like electrodes (BIOCO2MET)

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez, Juan Manuel Ortiz

Duration: 2022-2024

Grant TED2021-132870B-I00 funded by:

Electro-active biochar: scalable bioelectrodes to power (e- biochar)

Fondazione Cariplo

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez

Duration: 2020-2023

Reference BIOCH-2019-2179

Horizon 2020

ELECTRA – Electricity driven Low Energy and Chemical input Technology foR Accelerated bioremediation

Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.4. - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Biotechn

Grant agreement: 826244

Coordinator: Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz

Duration: 2019-2022

Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

Microbial electrochemical reactors based on fluid-like electrodes: a new biotech platform for performing environmental applications (MET-FLUID)

Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

Programme: RETOS

Reference: RTI2018-101974-B-C21

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez

Duration: 2019-2021


3D-printing electricity-producing bacteria: a new paradigm for developing graphene-based biosensors – PRINTBIO

Programme: ATTRACT call

PI: Antonio Berná Galiano

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 77722

Duration: 2019-2020

Universidad de Alcala

University Chair of Microbial Electrochemical Tecnologies - UAH

Reference: CATEDRA 2018-004

Funding body: Nanoelectra

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez

Duration: 2018-2021

Comunidad de Madrid

Madrid network of treatments for the reuse of wastewater and recovery of sludge (REMTAVARES)

Reference: P2018/EMT-4341

PI: Ana Karina Boltes

Duration: 2019-2022

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

Low-energy technology for drinking water: microbial desalination – BioDES

Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

Reference: CTM2015-74695-JIN

PI: Juan M. Ortiz

Duration: 2017-2019


Microbial Desalination for Low Energy Drinking Water (MIDES)

Innovation Action

Programme: NMP24 - 2015 Low-energy solutions for drinking water production

Reference: 685793 - MIDES - H2020-NMP-2014-2015

Duration: 2016-2019

Coordinator: FCC Aqualia

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez


LIFE-ANSWER (Advanced Nutrient Solutions With Electrochemical Recovery)

Reference: LIFE15ENV/ES/000591

Duration: 2016-2019

Coordinator: Mahou S.A.

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez


iMETland: A new generation of Microbial Electrochemical Wetland for effective decentralized wastewater treatment


Reference: 642190

Duration: 2015-2018

PI: Abraham Esteve NúñeziMETland logo


Microbial electrochemical strategies oriented to a sustainable and decentralized urban wastewater reuse - MET4HOME

Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

Reference: CTM2015-71520-C2-1-R

Duration: 2016-2018

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez


Electrosynthesis of high value-added bioproducts and bioenergy from wastewater by mixed cultures of photobacteria illuminated with infrared light

Universidad de Alcalá-Rey Juan Carlos University (UAH-URJC)

Reference: 1st prize CEI-2016

Duration: 2016-2017

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez


Design and development of bioelectroventing studies (electrogenic biodegradability) in soils contaminated with hydrocarbons

Reference: 59/2016

Duration: 2016

Funding body: REPSOL S.A.

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez


Comparative study of the detoxification capacity of bioelectrochemical and conventional systems for wastewater treatment

Reference: CCG2016 / EXP-037

Universidad de Alcalá

Duration: 2016-2017

PI: Ana Karina Boltes


IBERIMET - Red Nacional de Tecnologías Electroquímicas Microbianas

Reference: CTM2015-71982-REDT

Duration: 2015-2017

Excellence networks

Coordinator: Abraham Esteve Núñez


REMTAVARES (Madrid Network for Advanced Treatment of wastewater with non-biodegradable pollutants)

Reference: P2013/MAE­2716

REMTAVARES is a leading R&D research consortium in advanced wastewater treatment technologies containing non-biodegradable contaminants. The network is made up of five research groups from the main public universities in Madrid and the IMDEA Agua Foundation.

Duration: 2014-2018


Research Programme for secondary schools based on 3D strategies. Design-Develop-Disseminate (PICSI-3D)

Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology

Duration: 2014-2015


PI: Belén Barroeta


Microbial Technology Development electrogenic for the elimination of Emerging Compounds in Wastewater (EM4EM)

Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

Duration: 2014-2015

PI: Pedro Letón and Abraham Esteve Núñez


Detoxification of wastewater by microbial electrochemical technologies integrated in high load anaerobic reactors

Call for grants for the creation and consolidation of research groups - UAH programme

Reference: CCG2013/EXP-040

Date: 10/12/2013

IP: Ana Karina Boltes Espínola


Wastewater treatment in second generation of bioelectrogenic wetlands: Smart Wetland

Public-private partnership programme, INNPACTO

Duration: 2012-2015

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez


Elimination of sulfates in water by bioelectrogenic methods (BIO-SO4)

Public-private partnership programme, INNPACTO

Duration: 2012-2015

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez


Integrated Research on Sustainable Islands (IISIS)

Financing of large integrated industrial research projects, INNPRONTA

Duration: 2011-2014


Research on Treatment, Reuse and Control Technologies for the Future Sustainability of Wastewater Treatment (ITACA)

Financing of large integrated industrial research projects, INNPRONTA

Duration: 2011-2014Itaca


Public-private partnership programme, INNPACTO

Project Title: AQUAELECTRA,Bioelectrogenic treatments applied to wastewater treatment


PI: Abraham Esteve NúñezLogo Aquaelectra



Madrid Researchs' Night

7th Framework Programme, Programme People


Duration: 2013


Electrochemical microbial reactors and fluidized bed: a new concept applied to the biodegradation of contaminants in water

Call for grants for the creation and consolidation of research groups - UAH programme

Duration: 2012

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez


National Research Plan, Basic Science Programme

Production of electricity and hydrogen from wastewater through the use of microbial fuel cells


Duration: 2009-2013

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez


Madrid Researcher’s Night

7th Framework Programme


Duration: 2012


BACWIRE, Bacterial wiring for energy conversion and bioremediation

7th Framework Programme, Collaborative Project


Duration: 2009-2013

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez


Production of electricity and hydrogen from wastewater through microbial fuel cells

National Research Plan, Basic Science Programme

Reference: BIO2008-02723

Duration: 2009-2011

PI: Abraham Esteve Núñez


National Research Plan, TRACE Programme

Use of the biological reduction for removing sulfate and other toxic metals in wastewater

Duracion: 2009-2010

PI: Irene Ortiz Bernad


Toxicological evaluation of herbicide-polluted soils with bioreactor treatments

Duration: 2011

PI: Ana Karina Boltes


MadridRN, Researchers' Night

7th Framework Programme

Reference: FP7-PEOPLE-2010-NIGHT

Duration: 2010